CB's 313 Gallery, NYC
Sat. March
12th, 2004
10:00 p.m. Cover $7
imnotlost presents to you the very most very illegitimate puppets
of your sneaky perverted daydreams!!!
SLUTTY PUPPETS bursts through the lining of your stomach wall to reveal all of those nasty inards! |
Comeout to see Yoko with "VERY FUNNY PUPPETS", Victoria Libertare with burlesque HULA HOOP, imnotlost pleases your grumpy soul with an appearance of the disconcerted LAMB-GIRL, The O'debra Twins show and tell you how much they love ASS, Nick Jumara puts on the cowboy, and Shoddy Puppet Company brings you SHODDY PUPPETS! Will the wrestling twinkie's make a showing???
Come on out to drink beer! and WATCH PUPPETS!
(we all like them when we are drunk.)
Thank you.
RAISE PLOW continues to host the evening and impart you secret philosophical statements obvious in the designs
of her skimpy attire. |
I'm Not Lost is a loose-knit
choir of artists, performers, and eccentrics in pursuit of the
uncanny experience. |