Messenger Theater Company
Belly Dream Real
April Brucker
Carlton Ward

Saturday November 22nd,
9:00 and 10:30 p.m.
Cover $7
CB's 313 Gallery, 313 Bowery NYC
November 4th, 2003
Every puppeteer has dirty little slutty brainstorms that are constantly forced to the rear of the imagination, while instead TRYing to create RELEVANT puppet material. But no more. imnotlost brings semi-legitimacy to all of your perverted puppet dreams and proudly presents Slutty Puppets and Friends at CB's 313 Gallery on Saturday November 22nd at 10:00 p.m. Cover $7.

Kooky! Spectacular! Bizarre! And potentially very arousing, stimulating, and disgusting. Slutty Puppets presents 'A Seemingly Unified Spectacle' puppeteered by your favorite girl: Raise Plow; pornographic research brought to you by Tiny Ninjas; a safe-sex puppet tutorial from the pimp-puppet-shit expert, Ricardo Muniz; 'a brief insertion interlude' by Carlton Ward; the more-fun-than-puking Belly Dream Real by imnotlost, Messenger Theater Company puppet improv, the Red Bastard, ventriloquist April Brucker, and MORE!
Come early. Stay late. Drink much, much beer.
I'm Not Lost is a loose-knit choir of artists, performers, and eccentrics in pursuit of the uncanny experience.
CB's 313 Gallery
313 Bowery, NYC. Saturday November 22nd, 9:00 and 10:30 p.m. Cover $7
CB's 313 Gallery
Tiny Ninja Theater
Red Bastard
Ricardo Muniz
Lisa A.