
Do You Copy?
Do You Copy? uses bunraku-style puppets and live-video to investigate the virtual world inside one frumpy, overweight puppet's malfunctioning television set. In this surreal dream world he meets multiple copies of himself over and over again in a sinister puzzle. When his copies reveal a dark secret, our hero must decide what makes him truly original!

Do You Copy? has been developed and performed in short sections at the Hoontown International Puppet Festival 05, the Puppet Rampage Festival 07, One Arm Red, The Little Angel Theatre, and the Puppet Centre Trust. It is supported by NYSCA, the Puffin Foundation, and private donors.

Video excerpts:
  • Scene 2: With Hand (April 2008)
  • Scene 3: Manipulation (April 2008)
  • Scene 4: Seduction (April 2008)
  • Scenes 7 and 8 (Dec 2008). music by Raja Ajar
  • All scenes performed at One Arm Red in Brooklyn.

    more Copy history here.
    November 2014 photos by Raymond Smith and Jon Meyer